Safety is always our highest priority. Please help us to keep our students and school safe by following our drop off and pick up procedures to ensure that students enter and exit the building in a safe and organized manner.
Morning Drop Off
During morning drop off, please pull up to the farthest Panther Paw and let your child out of the vehicle curbside. Please do not block the crosswalk. All students will transition through the office when entering the building before school with the exception of some bus riders who are dropped off at the bottom entrance. Students are to go directly to the cafeteria until they are dismissed for breakfast or to go to the gym.
Students who enter the building after 8:00 will be considered tardy and are required to sign in before going to class.
Afternoon Pick Up
During afternoon pick up, please drive east on Wimer and display your tags in the car that will be picking up your child(ren) as car riders. Please remain in your vehicle until instructed to move forward to a designated Panther Paw to pick up your child. If you need another car tag, please contact the KNE office for a replacement.
Students will be notified of transportation changes by the office, please contact the office by 2:00 pm with any changes. On Wednesday early release, all changes need to be made by 1:00 pm.