President:  Mrs. Danielle Hilton
[email protected]
Vice President: Mrs. Bethany Coffland
[email protected]
Treasurer: Mrs. Amanda Abernathy
[email protected]

Secretary:  Mrs. Dana Smith
  [email protected]                                 

The Knob Noster Elementary Parent Teacher Organization would like to take this time to welcome you to KNE!  Our organization is comprised of parents/guardians, teachers and administrators who all have one goal in mind - enhancing the educational experience of our students.  

Our annual family dues of $5.00 and fundraisers provide support to KNE through enrichment activities, contributing money to grade level activities, gifts to the school and many  other things.  In the past, PTO has been able to fund our annual Fall Festival, Field Day, Field Trips, movie site license, books for the library and much more.

Parental Involvement

Studies have show that parental family involvement in a child's education greatly increase the success of the student.  Please know that you are always welcome at KNE!  Parental involvement can be as much or as little as you can give.  We know time is the most valuable commodity to families these days and even an hour can help.

Benefits of Membership

Just becoming a member of KNE PTO helps as a whole and gives a strong voice to the organization.  By joining, you have the opportunity to be involved in decision making for how the PTO programs will be designed and strengthened.  KNE PTO members are as diverse as our community.  We have working parents, stay at home parents and teachers.  Everyone is welcome.  Please check our building calendar for meeting dates.  We hope to see you there!!

PTO Registration Form